
微信号 功能介绍 同济大学学生就业指导中心负责同济大学所有毕业生就业日常工作,专门为毕业生提供相关就业招聘服务与指导服务。 岗位领域:传播媒体 工作性质:实习 学历要求:本科及以上 岗位职级:其他 工作地点:Berlin 截止日期:14 May , 2017 岗位信息网址:https://career012.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=C0000168410P&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=en_GB&career_job_req_id=23943 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide. We are currently seeking to fill an internship position under the WFP Communications Unit of the Berlin Office. The position will be based in Berlin, Germany. The Internship will be for a period of 6 months starting from mid or end of August 2017.   JOB PURPOSE The selected candidate will be assisting the WFP Communications Unit  with the following key duties: Daily press and media screening Write articles, publish and edit stories for the German WFP website Assist in preparation of online fundraising materials (newsletter, appeals etc.) Provide input for German WFP social media channels, monitor statistics Assist in drafting and writing various publications Place corporate print ads and videos on a pro bono basis in national media outlets Translate documents from German to English and vice versa Assist in arranging and preparing interviews and media briefings Perform other related duties as required   STANDARD MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Currently enrolled and have attended University courses in the last 12 months inclusive of having completed at least two years of undergraduate studies OR have recently graduated in the last 6 months in Communication, Media, Social Sciences or related studies;  Have completed at least one relevant internship to the above studies; Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point); Ability to produce high-quality written materials, write clearly and concisely and work within tight deadlines; Experience in the fields of social media management, image processing such as Adobe Photoshop, content management systems and writing for the web would be an asset. Second UN language would be an asset; Excellent communication skills (written and oral) in German and English are required.   TERMS AND CONDITIONS Interns receive a monthly stipend from WFP up to the amount of US$1000 per month depending on the duty station of assignment. The current amount for Berlin is around US$800. WFP is not responsible for living expenses, arrangements for accommodation, travel to and from WFP internship location, necessary visas and costs related. 更多实习生招聘请登录:http://gj.ncss.org.cn/job.html 往期精彩回顾 国际组织实习 · 联合国教科文组织喊你来实习!一起来看看! · 2017年联合国中文笔译类竞争性考试备考指南(附考试样题) 招聘会 · 工业和信息化部人才交流中心(2017年度) 全国硕博专场春季巡回招聘会 · 网聚英才,创享未来 · 上海东部高校2017年应届毕业生就业招聘会暨长三角企业专场 · 工业和信息化部人才交流中心(2017年度) 全国硕博专场春季巡回招聘会 宣讲会 · 四月第二波宣讲会来袭 · 四月第一波宣讲会来袭 选调生 · 黑龙江省2017年选调应届毕业生到基层培养锻炼工作公告 · 安徽选调生招录公告 · 江西省2017年定向选调应届优秀大学毕业生公告 基层就业 · 广州市花都区人民政府面向国内著名高校2017届毕业生招聘事业单位专业人才公告 · 2017年江苏省泰州市高港区公开选聘专门人才简章 · 四川天府新区西区产业园—成都市新津县面向全国重点高校公开选聘事业单位公告 新闻广角镜 · 同济大学2017年“职场直通车”春季校园招聘月拉开帷幕 · 我校举办面向2017届毕业生校园综合招聘会 · 青海省定向招录选调生校园宣讲会上海站在我校举行 院院有声音 · 【新闻】测绘与地理信息学院2017届研究生毕业典礼隆重举行 · 【新闻】机械与能源工程学院2017届研究生毕业典礼隆重举行 · 【新闻】经济与管理学院2017年春季校园金融专场招聘会顺利举行 · 【新闻】艺术与传媒学院2017届研究生毕业典礼隆重举行 联盟精粹 · 西门子学生圈-求职简历撰写技巧讲座 · 学生职业与发展协会Career Go!超强顾问团队 · 职业与发展协会YESxBOP经典案例培养敏锐的商业嗅觉 · 职业与发展协会Career Go!趁着年少启航,遇见更好的自己 生涯导航 生涯访谈录 | 生涯大讲堂 | 职业咨询师 | 多彩毕业季 | 就业质量报告 | 就业月历 关于我们 中心简介 | 团队介绍 | 关键词回复新功能 | 年末特辑 | 元宵特供 ✦ 喜欢我们的推文吗? 欢迎各位看官在推文后留言互动, 月末有惊喜哦~ ✦ 转载自“高校毕业生到国际组织实习任职”微信公众平台 整理 | 孟雨 责编 | 冯玥 陆易 赞赏 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 微信扫一扫关注该公众号

